
Dr. Jen Shupe
For those of us who live in the Midwest, after a long winter of hibernation we collectively can’t wait for spring.  That means flowers blooming, green grass, wearing sandals, driving with the windows down and getting much needed vitamin D when the sun is shining.  For those who suffer with seasonal allergies that also means...
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This month we are focusing on the positive impacts of kindness. A Random Act of Kindness can be as simple as opening the door for someone, or even smiling at the people you pass on the street. Kindness and smiles are contagious, so when someone is kind to you, you are more likely to be...
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Napping isn’t just for little kids–even adults can benefit from a nap! If you’re sleep deprived, or just looking for a way to relax, you might be thinking about taking a nap. You might consider taking a nap if you are experiencing new fatigue or unexpected sleepiness, or if you are about to experience sleep...
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Magnesium is a nutrient that we need to maintain a functioning body.  It is the 4th most concentrated mineral in the human body and almost all of it is stored in our bones.  Some of the things that magnesium does includes regulating muscle and nerve function, maintaining blood sugar and blood pressure levels at an...
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March is national sleep awareness month! We all know that sleep is important, but many of us still struggle to get a truly restful night’s sleep. Having healthy sleep habits can make a big difference in your quality of life. Try to follow these sleep practices on a consistent basis:   Maintain a consistent daily...
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What is really happening to your body when you are sleeping?  We have all heard of a REM cycle, but what is it and how do have more of them?  Let’s dive right in! There are at least 4 different stages of sleep that our bodies enter throughout the night and they each provide something...
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We all know that exercise is good for us.  But let’s get specific in talking about what type of exercise helps your heart.  The American Heart Association recommends a combination of aerobic activity and weight lifting for overall cardiovascular health.  This includes either 30 minutes of moderate activity 5 days a week or 25 minutes...
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Do you try to look for the bright side of every situation? When you wake up in the morning, do you look forward to the day ahead? Do you count your blessings each and every day, even in times of stress? If you answered yes, then you are already on the right track toward a...
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  This month we are focused on all things heart related.  To get us kicked off we put together a list of heart healthy foods that are also just plain good for your body.  Try incorporating these things into your diet on a regular basis to get the benefits. Salmon- known to be high in...
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  Calling all parents! Raising kids is a tough job, especially when your kids are not responding to your rules or respecting the boundaries you have set for them. Luckily, Croixview Family Chiropractic has teamed up with Samantha Moe, an expert parent coach, and will be hosting a class to help parents create positive discipline...
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