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Youth is said to be wasted on the young, but too many of our young have struggles with things that used to only impact adults.  It’s imperative that we show children how to lead healthy lifestyles. First and foremost for childhood health is food! Food colorings, preservatives and sugar, OH MY! Kids snacks are probably...
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We’ve all heard the term, “eating for two”, as applied to pregnancy nutrition, but is this accurate?  Are we really supposed to be eating for two? The idea of doubling our nutrition needs during pregnancy may have been slightly misconstrued. It’s true when a woman becomes pregnant that the need for nutrition increases, but this...
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For many women they seek out chiropractic care during the pregnancy because they have pain.  In fact, many women are under the assumption that they should be in some type of discomfort due to pregnancy.  As chiropractors we are happy to help women to feel their best during the pregnancy, which can include making them...
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Do you try to look for the bright side of every situation? When you wake up in the morning, do you look forward to the day ahead? Do you count your blessings each and every day, even in times of stress? If you answered yes, then you are already on the right track toward a...
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Being a mom is hard work, and often the last person to get taken care of is you. It’s hard to be at your best when you are tired, nutrient deprived and have an empty cup. Many times, moms neglect to nurture themselves because they feel it takes away from another duty or that they...
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Many people think of the beginning of a new year as wiping the slate clean and making a fresh start.  In December we start thinking about what things in life we want to change and may set New Year’s resolutions.  It is common to hear people say, “I want to be healthier this year”. That...
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Welcome to 2019! The beginning of a new year can be a great time to set resolutions, make goals, and plan out what you want to get accomplished in the upcoming future. Sometimes it can be overwhelming to set a resolution or decide what you and your family should get done. You may not know...
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