
Have you ever wondered why your child melts down and goes into a full-fledged tantrum with the slightest change in routine, new food, or outfit you ask them to try, bright lights or loud sounds? Do they struggle to fall asleep and regulate their emotions in a significant way when tired, which they consistently are?...
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Parents, we understand that watching your child struggle with developmental delays can be a rollercoaster of emotions. You’re not alone in this journey, and we’re here to provide you with insights, information, and a path forward that can make a real difference in your child’s development! This blog is dedicated to parents who are grappling...
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Imagine a world where your child no longer has to endure the relentless struggles of seasonal allergies – the constant congestion, irritation, and the endless cycle of medications with their undesirable side effects. What if you could delve deeper and unearth the true underlying cause of seasonal allergies, going beyond the conventional opinions of pediatricians...
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One of the most challenging issues faced by older children is bedwetting, also known as Enuresis. This condition can be embarrassing, emotionally distressing and significantly impact your child’s quality of life.  When your little one is struggling with bedwetting, it breaks your heart and can be challenging to find a solution. If you have tried...
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Parents, did you know that food intolerance affects up to 20% of the population, as reported by “Medical News Today”? It’s not just limited to gluten and dairy intolerance anymore. Wheat, barley, milk, cheese, bananas, avocados, and more can all be culprits. Is your child included in this 20%? Food intolerances can manifest differently in...
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As parents, our primary goal is to ensure the well-being of our children. One critical aspect of their health is understanding the appropriate use of antibiotics. Unfortunately, many parents are unaware that antibiotics are not always necessary or effective in treating certain infections, such as viral illnesses or chronic ear infections. I want to dive...
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Constipation is a common issue affecting about 30% of children, and it tends to be worse in the preschool and toddler years. However, constipation is not something kids neccessarily grow out of. Instead, they grow into other digestive issues later in life.  If you’ve already tried prebiotics, probiotics, prune juice, pureed prunes, and other natural...
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We understand that there’s a lot to keep track of when it comes to taking care of our little ones. From the numerous items in the diaper bag to everything they need day to day, it can be extremely overwhelming. Then there is a whole other chart that isn’t in that diaper bag we need...
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