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This month we are focusing on the positive impacts of kindness. A Random Act of Kindness can be as simple as opening the door for someone, or even smiling at the people you pass on the street. Kindness and smiles are contagious, so when someone is kind to you, you are more likely to be kind to someone in return. We love to spread positivity here in the office, and are encouraging our patients to do the same! Here are some ideas of Random Acts of Kindness you can try at home with your friends and family:
- Invite new neighbors for dinner
- Leave a happy letter in a library book
- Return someone’s cart at the store
- Pick up litter
- Deliver homemade cookies to the local firehouse
- Let someone go ahead of you in line
- Plant something
- Walk dogs at the animal shelter
- Check in on an elderly neighbor
- Donate outgrown clothes and/or toys
- Write friendly chalk messages on the sidewalk
- Tell someone how much you love them
- Take a meal to a family in need
- Say hello to everyone you see
- Pay for the car behind you in the drive through
- Offer to watch a friend’s child or pet
- Smile at everyone. It’s contagious!
If you have any examples of kindness you have tried, feel free to comment below so we can try them too!