There are three things that cause our bodies to subluxate (if you missed what the heck this means, go back and read our Subluxation Blog from June 24th!). These causes are the “Three T’s” or “Thoughts, Traumas & Toxins”. Today we are going to break down the mental component (thoughts) of subluxations!
Our bodies have the same reaction to anything it perceives as a stress and that is to subluxate. Whether that be a mental stress, chemical stress, or a physical stress. When we have stress, our body releases stress hormones that cause our heart rate to increase, blood to be routed to our heart, and extremities (away from digestion) & kicks us into “go mode.” It’s just like we are ready to run away from a tiger so we can survive. Even if the stress is because your toddler spilled purple juice all over your in-law’s white carpet or there is a big deadline at work. When our body gets this rush of stress hormone, our posture changes, we go into fight mode and it puts more stress on our nervous system. Our system’s way of reacting to that stress is for our spine to go out of alignment. The opposite holds true too, our spine being out of alignment from stress also causes our bodies to get stuck in that stressed state. So you could really pose the question “What came first? The stress or the subluxation?”
This cycle can continue around and around until we start helping our body to better ADAPT to our stress so we don’t get stuck in the stressed state. We break this cycle by getting adjusted regularly! In the office, we have scanning technology that tells us how people are adapting to their stress and if they are stuck on the stressed side or the calm side of the nervous system. We do this through our Heart Rate Variability (HRV) scans by INSiGHT CLA. The HRV measures how variable your heart rate is– the more variable your heart rate, the more adaptable you are to your environment.
Think about chameleon lizards. Their job is to change color to blend in with their environment, so they need to adapt. If they are in a green environment and they cross over to a yellow one, they better change color or her their expectancy just drastically plummeted, right? That is also a human’s job. We need to adapt to our environment whether that be everyday stress, the weather, running away from a tiger, you get the picture.
So the simple answer to the question “how can I better adapt to my stress?” is to get your system checked with the HRV scan and get adjusted!
If you’re in Hudson, WI or the surrounding area and want to get checked, we are here for you!
Live Connected,
Dr. Lauren Lebzelter