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You’re invited to the Perfect Storm on March 10 at 5:30 PM!
Do you worry your child is struggling with anxiety, sensory, ADHD, or even autism? What if you could help them sleep through the night, have fewer meltdowns each day, handle transitions easier, regulate their emotions, and get sick less often?
We are in the trenches with you and see the challenges families are facing with their children not only in our office and local community but across the country too!
Dr. Lauren will not be taking you through all the things that are “wrong” with your child, and give you a laundry list of things you must do to “fix” them. Instead, she’ll take you through the science that shows clearly how your anxiety, ADHD or sensory child is not broken and destined to struggle, but instead, what’s holding them back, stressing them out, and getting in the way of them being at their very BEST!
Join us in learning from Dr. Lauren at the Perfect Storm! You can come in person to the event, OR we will stream the event online for you to watch at home!
Please RSVP by calling or texting 715-381-9965, or by sending us a message!