Croixview Family Chiropractic is celebrating our patients all month long with our second annual March Madness event! Our patients can earn tickets for our raffle at the end of the month when they complete tasks in the office. We’re giving away some amazing prizes, and we’re so excited to have some FUN with our patients along the way!
Quarter Finalist prize: $40 gift card to Hudson GnG
Semi Finalist prize: $50 gift card to Lolo American Kitchen
Finalist prize: Yeti Cooler
So, how do you earn tickets to win one of these awesome prizes?
You will earn 1 ticket (per task you do!)
- Like us on Facebook
- Follow us on Instagram
- Check in to our office on Facebook (you can do this each time you’re in the office!)
- Make a Free Throw (we have little basketball hoops on the bins in the adjustment rooms. Throw your face paper in the basket after your adjustment, and you’ve earned a ticket!)
You will earn 3 tickets (per task you do!)
- Write a review on Facebook, Google or Yelp (you can do each platform for a total of 9 tickets to earn!)
- Write your success story with chiropractic care for us to share on social media (we love hearing your success stories! If you’re more comfortable with us writing your story, let us know!)
You will earn 5 tickets (per task you do!)
- Post a picture on Facebook of yourself in our office and tag us
- Tag us in your story on Instagram
- Refer a friend or family member to be a patient in our office
That’s it! It’s easy to earn tickets here in the office, and so far our patients (and us!) have been having a lot of fun! Next time you’re in the office be sure to let us know you want to play along with our March Madness event. The event goes through March 27, and winners will be drawn the following week!