Last but not least, the third “T” that causes subluxation is Toxins! If you’re just joining us, you should go back and read about what a subluxation is https://croixviewfamilychiropractic.com/2020/06/subluxation/ and the other two causes of subluxation. The three causes or 3 T’s (thoughts, traumas, and toxins) do not go in any particular order, so you can read about the other two after this one if you’d like. Now that we have some housekeeping things in order, let’s get down to the ‘nuts and bolts’.
First, let’s define what we consider a toxin. It can be anything our body doesn’t recognize as natural. It can be something that we put on our skin, eat, drink, and even the chemicals in the air we breathe. Talking about reducing our toxic load is pretty much everywhere. From BPA free water bottles and plastic products, non GMO and certified organic foods, decreasing phalates, sulfates, and harmful chemicals in your beauty products and the list goes on. Toxic load has been the topic in the health world recently because all of these toxins have been shown to cause health issues and concerns as they have been further studied.
Oftentimes, there are things that we do not even realize we are consuming like sugar, artificial dye, additives and artificial preservatives in our foods that have a negative effect in our bodies. It is best when you are at the grocery store to stay on the “outer perimeter” of the store where the whole foods are stocked. That keeps you away from the pre-packaged foods which usually contain more additives and preservatives. Eating a cleaner, whole foods diet and decreasing the toxic load in your beauty and cleaning products at home is a great way to decrease the stress on your body!
When these toxins add up, it takes more energy for the body to clear the toxins. This makes our system shift into overdrive and then causes subluxation. Sometimes, our body cannot clear the toxins effectively and it gets stored in our muscles and organs affecting our overall health and function. Chiropractic can help our body to work efficiently and effectively to make sure our bodies are clearing toxins to it’s best ability!
If you want to learn how to decrease your toxic load, we have some great resources in the Hudson, WI area! Let us know how we can help!
Live Connected,
Dr. Lauren Lebzelter